New Year’s Shenanigans

I entered a story in Meg’s Pokrass’ 20-word New Year’s story challenge. The title could be any length, the word count for the story had to be exactly 20 words, and Meg suggested the stories range from nostalgic to zany, be funny and maybe even pull at the heart strings.

My story won third place! I’m thinking this is a fine way to end the year.

Here it is:

Off you go, little ones
By Laura McHale Holland

In bed by nine, we tots razzmatazzed, canoodled, kissed 1957 goodbye, unaware our shenanigans eclipsed the storied Times Square ball.

Want to read more stories?

To see all the winners, please visit Meg’s Substack page:


Stories told live in January 2024


She didn’t plan it, a 50-word story